Why Older Homes Need to Replace Cast Iron Sewer Pipes
Optimal Plumbing Solutions is the top choice for sewer repair in Clayton, NC. We want to remind you about the need to replace cast iron sewer pipes in older homes. Cast iron once had its place. Today there are newer pipe materials that are even more cost-effective and efficient. Many newer residences have opted not to use them because of their limitations.
Ongoing Repairs
Sewer pipe line repair is rarely a one-time thing with cast iron pipes. In fact, it’s common for different parts of cast iron pipes to need professional attention over time. They are prone to rust and corrosion due to the constant handling of waste. You’ll end up chasing repairs and spending more money than you would if you replaced your cast iron pipes.
Long-Term Results
You won’t have to worry about sewer repair services as much with new pipes. Cast iron pipes can last for 50 years or more, although this isn’t always the case. Often, they become rusted or deteriorated more than other more popular pipe materials.
Newer pipes, on the other hand, have the potential to last much longer, especially PVC pipes. This means you’ll make a smart investment by replacing your cast iron pipes if you live in an older home.
Tree Roots
A common reason for sewer line replacement for cast iron pipes is because of damage due to tree or shrub roots. Over time, roots get into cast iron pipes through small cracks. The roots extend into the pipes to the point where blockages develop. These blockages cause drains to back up in your home and similar problems.
Talk to Our Local Pros Today
Replace sewer line pipes effectively by contacting Optimal Plumbing Solutions. We’ll get you started with an honest, accurate estimate. We have 15-plus years of extensive experience in residential plumbing. We have insight into what works and what goes on in your sewers.
Contact our team today to learn more about our full range of plumbing and sewer services.